英語で多忙 - TOP

MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週50ずつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。 言えそうで 言えない英語表現、学校の英語教科書には登場しない英会話フレーズが中心です。 コツコツ型の方に、お勧めの英語学習法 - 例文数も 5,000件を超えました!


"Race against the clock - 多忙・忙しい" に関する 英単語 & イデオム

put in a busy work day    仕事で忙しい一日を過ごす
ex) It's not the hours you put in your work that counts.

put in: to spend (time) especially at some occupation or job
ex) I put in a hard day at work at the office.

work against the clock (時間に追われて)忙しい
ex) We're working against the clock.
時間に追われながら 働いている

race against the clock 時間との戦いだ
= We are racing against the clock.
ex) It was a race against time to put out fire.
消火作業は 時間との戦いだった

have a lot on one's plate  やることがたくさんある
ex) I have a lot on my plate these days.

have a lot to one's plate: being overwhelmed from having so many things to handle at the same time
ex) She has a lot on her plate - especially with two new projects starting this week.

be tied up with … … で忙しい
ex) I got tied up in rehearsals all the moring.

have one's hands full    忙しい
ex) I have my hands full for the next few days.

have one's hands full: have as much work as one can do
ex) I have my hands full with the kids at the moment. 子供の世話で 今は忙しい

bustle 多忙に動く、(人を)急がせる
ex) She bustled around the kitchen getting ready for dinner guests.

bustle: to have a lot of busy activity — often + with
ex) The pier is always bustling with people.

hectic (仕事などが)忙しい
ex) What a hectic day! / This week has been so hectic.
なんて忙しい日だろう! / 今週はとても忙しかった

hectic: very busy and filled with activity
ex) My days feel more hectic than calm.
日々 落ち着いているというよりは 慌ただしい

be jammed up 忙しい
ex) I've been super jammed up at work lately.

be jam-packed (スケジュールなどが)いっぱいだ
ex) July was jam-packed more than usual.
7月は普段より ハードスケジュールだ

When times are busiest, 最も多忙な時、繁忙期に
ex) When times are busiest, we handle 200 customers a day.
繁忙期には 1日200名の顧客と対応する

on the move (移動や体を動かすことで)忙しい
ex) I've been on the move all day and I'm really tired.
一日中 外出で忙しくて、とても疲れている

on the move: to be physically active
ex) He's a busy child who is always on the move and never sits still.

関連する 英語例文ページへ

残業する  ワークシート  欠勤する  遅刻・早退  休憩する リラックス 
