英語で解雇・一時解雇 TOP

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"解雇" に関する 英単語 & イデオム

fire  解雇する
ex) They were fired without a good cause.

fire: to dismiss (someone) from a job

without good a cause  正当な理由もなく 
ex) They were not discharged but merely demoted without a good cause.

dismissal 免職、解雇
ex) Chronic tardiness may be a cause for dismissal.

dismissal: ex) A small group is protesting the dismissals of several employees.

chronic 慢性的な
ex) Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is an illness characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for several months.
慢性的疲労症候群は 数か月続く 極度の疲労によるものと みなされている

discharge  解雇
ex) Involuntary discharge from employment often comes as a surprise to an employee.

comes as a surprise  驚かせられる、意外な結果である
ex) Although he knew his wife wasn't happy, the divorce came as a surprise.

get an axe  解雇になる
ex) The hospital is planning to axe 5 nurses.

staff cutback   人員削減
ex) The restaurant chain is cutting back on staff.

pink slip    解雇通知
ex) They've received a pink slip for no valid reason.

pink slip: a notice that is given to a worker by an employer saying that the worker's job is ending

lay off             一時解雇する
ex) 10 employees will be laid off at the factory.
その 工場では、10人が一時解雇されるであろう

outplacement 再就職先の斡旋・支援
ex) Outplacement isn’t uust about helping employees; It’s a protective measure, too.
再就職先の斡旋は 労働者を助けるだけでなく、(企業にとっての)防御策にもなる
outplacement: : the activity or process of helping workers find new jobs when they are no longer wanted or needed
ex) Outplacement is an employer-sponsored benefit typically provided as part of a severance package to help terminated and laid off workers move on to another job or career.

severance pay             解雇手当
ex) You're fortunate enough to receive severance pay.

ex) Employees are not legally entitled to severance pay.
従業員たちは 法律的には 解雇手当を保証されていない

severance: the act of ending someone's employment

関連する 英語例文ページへ
給与  昇給 社員 降格  電話をかける  電話の音