英語で Tax Avoidance - 税金・脱税・消費税  TOP

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税金 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

consumption tax 消費税
Scrapping the consumption tax in favor of higher income taxes wouldn't work well.

scrap     廃止する、解体する
□ Schools have scrapped a plan to install a security system.
案を廃止した school - scrap - security

cut taxes 減税する
□ They call for tax cuts on imported goods.

call for 要求・要請する
□ We're calling for the support of the needy people.

taxable 課税対象になる
□ Sales of alcoholic beverages are taxable.
アルコール飲料の販売額は、課税の対象だ alcoholic - beverage - taxable

taxpayers' money 納税者のお金
□ They used taxpayers' money to build a bridge to nowhere.
意味のない橋の建設に、税金を使った taxpayer - bridge - nowhere

I get … dollars after tax    (税金を引いて給料を)…ドルもらっている
□ How much of your salary do you keep after taxes?
税引き後の給与は、いくら残りますか salary

income tax return      確定申告
ex) I filed my tax return and I'm expecting a refund.

tax return: a document filed with the tax authorities that reports income, expenses, and other relevant financial information to calculate and pay taxes
ex) You can file your individual income tax return electronically or by mail.
個人の確定申告は ホームページや郵送で 申告することができる

a tax credit        税額控除
□ The amount of the tax credi is fixed no matter how many children you have.

tax avoidance       (合法的な)節税、税金逃れ
□ We offer some helpful tax-avoidance tips.
節税に関する情報を提供する avoidance - tip

levy     (税金などを)課す、徴収する
□ Gasoline tax is levied on the wholesale price.
卸売値に税金がかかる gasoline - levy - wholesale

pay taxes on profits     利益に対して税金を払う
□ You have to pay tax on profits from the sale.
売上利益に対して、税金を払う profit

taxes on imports    関税
□ You must pay import taxes on the full value.
商品全額に対し、輸入税を支払う import - full - value

tax fraud     脱税
□ He was arrested on tax fraud charges.
脱税の罪で逮捕された arrest - fraud

fraud 詐欺、詐欺師
Plastic card fraud can take many forms.
カード詐欺の携帯はさまざまだ plastic - fraud

the year-end adjustment     年末調整
□ It is time again to conduct year-end adjustments.
年末調整の時期が来た adjustment

back tax 滞納税
I owe back taxes and am going to pay the debt.
滞納税を支払うつもりだ owe - debt

owe (金銭上の)借りがある
□ I owe $900 in unpaid taxes.
未納の税金がある owe - dollar

関連する 英語例文ページへ

利益 儲ける  損失  値上げする  値下げする  交渉する
