英語で Win big - 勝つ・勝利・楽勝  - TOP

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「Win big - 勝つ・勝利・楽勝 」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

win over (反対意見を持つ人を説得して)勝ち取る
ex) They eventually won him over with some persuasive arguments.
彼らは 説得のための討論を経て 同意を勝ち取った

win over: to persuade someone to support you or agree with you, often when they were opposed to you before
ex) So far, this project has been able to win over both fans and critics.
目下の所 このプロジェクトは 賛成する人たち、批判的な人たちの両方の賛成を勝ち取っている

win big  大差で勝つ
ex) We won big in competition.

win big: to win easily or win a lot
ex) These athletes hope to win big at the Olympics.
運動選手たちは オリンピックで大勝したいと願っている

rise above …    (困難などに)打ち勝つ、乗り越える
■ We can rise above theintense competition in the market of service robotics.

compete head-on with …     … と正面切って競う
□ You can't compete head-on with that industry giant.
勝ち目がない compete - head-on - industry

overpower    圧倒的に勝つ
ex) She was able to overpower her attacker.
彼女は 襲撃者を打ち負かした

overpower: to defeat or gain control of (someone or something) by using force ex) This service allows us to overpower our rivals significantly.
このサービスは、私たちのライバルに対して 圧倒的な勝利を可能にする

significantly     著しく、大いに
ex) He won a significant amount of money.
彼は かなりの額の金額を勝ち取った

significantly: in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount
ex) We've significantly improved our business agility.
私たちは、仕事における機敏性を 大きく改善した

agility 敏速性
ex) Efficiency and agility are everything to win in this industry.
業界内で 勝つためには 効率性とスピードが全てだ

agility: the power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness
ex) Agility drills are crucial to win the game.
試合に勝つためには 敏捷性演習が 重要である

outplay (技で人に)勝つ
ex) With businesses trying to outplay one another, the market is very competitive.
お互いが競争相手に勝ち抜こうとする 市場での競争は激しい

outplay: to play better than
ex) We were completely outplayed by the French team.
私たちのチームは フランスチームに 勝ち越されてしまった

win-at-all-costs mentality     絶対に勝とうとする精神
Win-at-all-costs mentality of modern business sets a aggressive tone in the market.
市場に好戦的な雰囲気を作りだしている mentality - modern - aggressive

aggressive      攻撃的な
□ Their aggressive sales techniques don't work anymore.
強硬なセールステクニックは通じない aggressive - technique

assertive    積極的な
Assertiveness is an invaluable business skill.
かけがえのない能力だ invaluable

be on a winning streak       連勝する
■ Don't stop the winning streak that got you this far.
連勝ムードに水を差すな winning - streak - got

have come this far      ここまで到達した
□ It's amazing to think technology has come this far.
技術の進歩に驚く technology

win hands down      楽勝する
■ If affordability is a necessity, this product will win hands-down. 
値ごろ感で、圧勝できる affordability - necessity - hands-down

affordability     値ごろ感
□ We've developed affordability for the consumers with limited purchasing power.
値ごろ感を高めた develop - affordability - consumer - purchase - power

purchasing power     購買力
□ The extra bonus will allow you to stretch your purchase power.
購買力を引き伸ばすだろう extra - stretch - purchase - power 

関連する 英語例文ページへ

緩和する 結果 負ける  優位性 苦戦する  協力する 
