英語で Warn / Admonish - 注意・警告する - TOP

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「Warn / Admonish - 注意・警告する」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

heads-up 注意、警告
ex) This note is just to give you a heads-up that the client will be arriving next week.
そのメモには 来週その顧客が到着するという 警告が記されている

heads-up: a message that alerts or prepares
ex) He sent a heads-up to the District Attorney.
彼は 地方検事に注意書きを送付した

attention   注意、留意
ex) You should pay attention to what she says.
彼女の言うことに 注意を傾けて
attention: notice taken of someone or something

ex) Students, do I have your attention?
生徒の皆さん 私に注目してくれますか?

drow attention 注目を集める、注目される
ex) He drew attention to three spelling mistakes.
彼は 3か所の綴りの誤りに注意を向けた

drow attention: to rouse someone to notice something
ex) Too much powder will draw attention to wrinkles.
パウダーをつけすぎると しわに注目が集まってしまう

□ warn 警告する、注意を促す
ex) She warned me that the stove was still hot.
彼女は私に そのコンロはまだ熱いと 注意した
warn: to tell (someone) about possible danger or trouble
ex) I had been warned about the difficulties of the job.

□ warning 警告、忠告
ex) ex) We fired a warning at the intruders.
侵入者に対し 威嚇発射した
warning: a statement or event that indicates a possible or impending danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation
ex) He opened fire without warning.

□ alert 警報、警告、警告する
ex) He alerted people to the dangers of smoking.
彼は 人々に喫煙の危険性について 警告を促した
alert: quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances
ex) Drivers need to be on the alert for icy condition.

□ alarm 警報、警告
ex) The boat tilted and the boatmen cried out in alarm.
ボートが傾き 船員は心配の声を上げた
alarm: cause (someone) to feel frightened, disturbed, or in danger
ex) I've just spent a fortune to alarm the house.

□ heed 気を付ける、注意する、心にとめる
ex) Few appeared to heed his call for calm.
彼の 冷静を求める声に 注意を傾ける人は ほとんどいなかった
heed: to pay attention to something, especially advice or a warning
ex) The airline has been criticized for failing to heed warnings about lack of safety routines.

□ admonish   (人に...するよう) 忠告、警告する
ex) Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.
先生は彼女に対し 試験に向けて より一生懸命勉強するよう 注意を促した
admonish: to tell someone that they have done something wrong
ex) His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.



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