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退職するに関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ resign 辞職する、辞める
ex) Haphazardly resigning from companies during tough times hampers professional growth.
困難な時に 無計画に辞職することは キャリアの成長を阻害する
resign /rɪˈzaɪn/: to give up (a job or position) in a formal or official way
ex) The newspaper's editor resigned after the scandal.

 haphazard 無計画の、場当たり的な
ex) Deciding to quit your job should not be a half-hearted decisions neither can it be a haphazard one.
仕事を辞める決断は 中途半端でも、無計画でもいけない
haphazard: : having no plan, order, or direction
ex) In 40 years, the average employee will face four to five economic downturns where job hopping and haphazard career planning create significant obstacles to continued employment.

resignation notice      退職届け
I tendered my resignation notice to the Human Resources division.

tender  提出する
ex) Don't leave your job before tendering a letter of resignation.

Human Resources division  人事課
ex) His duties include human resources management and executive development.

retirement allowance   退職金
ex) He's eligible to receive a retirement allowance.

be eligible to …     (法的に) … の資格がある
ex) I'm eligible to apply for home improvement loans from the city.

step down from …    … を退任する
ex) He stepped down from her position as head softball coach.

jump ship   (組織から)逃げ出す
ex) I'd jump ship and look for another job.

quit   (半ばで)辞める
ex) Many quit before reaching the managerial level.

managerial level   管理職
ex) Most mid and senior level positions requires an masters degree.

mandatory retirement age      定年の年令
ex) Pilots can continue to fly five years past the mandatory retirement age of 60.

mandatory  強制的な、義務の
ex) Finnish is a mandatory subject for the Swedish students.

関連する 英語例文ページへ
休暇を取る 有給を取る  さぼる  入社する  値下げする  転職する