英語で 読む・読書- TOP

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読む・読書 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

read cover to cover     隅から隅まで読む
ex) This is the first English book that I've ever made it through cover-to-cover.

a real page turner     面白い本 
  ex) This book turned out to be a real page turner.

scan 目を通す
ex) Twice each day I scan several pages of my morning paper.

give … a quick look through     …にざっと目を通す
ex) After a quick look through the cooking book I gave it a go.

scour    目を通す 
ex) I scoured the name lists carefully.

skim through   ざっと目を通す
ex) Let me skim through that ad for a moment.

read aloud   音読する
ex) I read the poem aloud once in a while.
時々 その詩を音読する

flip through   (ページをパラパラめくって)読む
ex) I'm fliping through my favorite magazine pages.

browse   (立ち読みのため)本屋を見て回る
ex) Several customers were browsing in the bookstore.
何人かの客が 本屋内を 見て歩いていた

□□ ex) I'm browsing through the magazine aisle.
□□ 雑誌のコーナーで立ち読みしている

read silently 黙読する
ex) Reading silently improves students' understanding because it helps them concentrate on what they are reading, rather than the pronunciation of individual words.
黙読により生徒たちは 集中して より深い理解を得ることが出来る
read silently: reading done silently, or without speaking the words being read
ex) As adults, we often read silently, be it printed material or reading material on a screen.

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