
Besides / In addition - 加えて・その他・同様 を英語で表現

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- Besides - In addition に関する 英単語 & イデオム -

「besides 加えて」

in addition to … besides … の意味は … に加えて
In addition = Besides は 「そして」= also と同様に、接続詞としても使えます

in addition to … に加えて
ex) In addition to his immense talent as a poet, he has a background in interior design.

besides … に加えて
ex) Besides being delicious, blueberries also pack a punch of nutrition.

besides ..もまた  = also, as well
ex) The restaurant serves pasta and many other foods besides.
パスタや、他の食べ物も メニューにある

「beside そばに」

Beside and Besides sound similar, but their meanings are quite different.

* besides から "s" を 取った beside は 「…のそばに」を意味します。

beside そばに
ex) She stood beside me.
彼女は 私のそばに立った


addition / additional

addition / additional を用いた、便利な表現を紹介します

in addition to .. に加えて
ex) In addition to his talent as an aouther, he has a background in art.
著者としての才能に加え、 彼は芸術分野においても 経歴がある

□ make an addition to …    … に加える、… に増補する
ex) Roses make a colorful addition to your garden.

for each additional hour (追加料金)1時間ごとに
ex) The rental charge is $50 for the first two hours and $10 for each additional hour.

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