英語で フィッシュアンドチップス - TOP

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「Fish & Chips - フィッシュアンドチップス」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

□ fish and chips フィッシュアンドチップス
ex) So it would be unthinkable to start the list of the best British food with anything other than our world-famous fish & chips.
英国料理のリストを作る際、まず フィッシュアンドチップスが最初にくる
fish and chips: a hot dish consisting of fried fish in batter, served with chips
ex) A typical fish and chip dinner will consist of a large piece of white fish (usually cod or haddock) coated in batter and deep-fried to crispy perfection.

□ instituion (人気のある)名物、習慣
ex) Classic fish and chips are a British institution and a national dish that everyone can't help but love.
伝統的なフィッシュアンドチップスは 国民的な料理である
institution: a custom, practice, or law that is accepted and used by many people
ex) Fish and chips are an institution wherever you go in the United Kingdom, but particularly in Scotland.

□ comfort food (子どもの頃を思い出すなど)愛着のある食べ物
ex) Fish and chips is the ultimate comfort food.
フィッシュアンドチップスは究極の 慣れ親しんだ食べ物だ
comfort food: enjoyable to eat and makes you feel happier, although it may not be very good for your health
ex) Fish and chips are the quintessential bar food.

□ haddock コダラ(タラ科の種)
ex) When making fish and chips, be sure to use the freshest haddock.
ex) Both cod and haddock are popular choices for making fish and chips.
Haddock: a member of the cod family with a mild flavour, firm flesh and moist texture
ex) Wild-caught haddock is a smart seafood choice because it is sustainably managed and responsibly harvested under U.S. regulations.

□ batter (揚げ物の)衣
ex) The fillets are dipped in a flour batter.
魚の切り身は 小麦の衣に浸される
batter: a mixture of different ingredients (such as flour, sugar, eggs, and oil) that is cooked and eaten
ex) The batter makes a good coating for the fish.

□ plunge (水などに)漬ける、押し込む
ex) Plunge the chips in the oil and cook until golden brown.
plunge : to push (something) into (something) quickly and forcefully
ex) Then carefully plunge the chips back into the fryer and cook until browned all over.

□ wild-caught (魚や動物が)養殖でないこと、野生で捕獲された
ex) Many of these fish and chip vendors specialize in wild-caught seafood.
多くのフィッシュアンドチップスの屋台は 養殖でないシーフードを専門としている
wild-caught: seafood caught from a natural habitat (lake, ocean, river)
ex) Experience the freshest and most delicious fish abd chips made from wild caught fish.

□ farmed ... 養殖の
ex) Most consumers typically think of fish and chips as either farmed or wild.
多くの消費者が フィッシュアンドチップスの魚は 養殖か、野生で捕獲されたかを考える
farmed: bred or grown commercially, especially as opposed to living in the wild
ex) Wild fish have a more diverse diet than farm-raised alternatives.

□ food stall 食べ物の屋台
ex) You will find fish and chips served everywhere in the UK, from street-food stalls to upscale restaurants.
街の屋台から、高級レストランまで、英国の至る所で フィッシュアンドチップスを見かけるでしょう
food stall: a temporary structure used to prepare and sell food to the public
ex) The cutest little fish and chip stall is next to a couple other food stalls around a corner.

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