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「Deceive - Mislead - 騙す・騙される」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
□ deceit 騙すこと、詐欺、ペテン
I began to suspect them of deceit. = deceitfulness
私は 彼らが嘘をついているのではないかと疑った
deceit: dishonest behavior
ex) Neither of these claims crosses the line to deception.
どちらの主張も 騙すまでには至らない
□ deceive 騙す、欺く
ex) the area may seem to offer nothing of interest, but don't be deceived
この地域には 目を見張るものは 何も無いように思えるが、騙されないで
deceive: cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage.
ex) I didn't intend to deceive people into thinking it was French champagne.
□ deceptively 外見的には、一見(実は違うというニュアンス)
ex) Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated.
ゴルフは一見簡単に見えるが 実は複雑である
deceptively: in a way that is deceptive (= making you believe something that is not true) ex) The plan seemed deceptively simple.
= it seemed simple but was not.
□ easy mark 騙されやすい
ex) These pickpockets identify an easy mark.
easy mark: a person who is easy prey
ex) She's an easy mark for a grifter.
□ mislead (誤った情報で)騙す、欺く
ex) The company mislead consumers by touting its product as "Hand-Picked.
その会社は "厳選" という言葉で商品を謳い 消費者を騙した
mislead: : to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit
ex) His comments were a deliberate attempt to mislead the public.
Q. "Mislead" と "Lie" の意味的な違いは 何ですか?
A."Mislaed" は 相手に "間違ったことを正しいと思いこませる" ための "含み" を伝えることを言い表します。 一方 "Lie" は 不誠実な理由を基に "誤った情報" を伝えることを指します。
■ lie 嘘をつく
ex) I can't believe you lied to me.
lie: to say or write something that is not true in order to deceive someone : to tell a lie
ex) He has been accused of lying about his military record.
□ pull a fast one いんちきをして勝つ、騙す
ex) He pulled a fast one on us.
彼は自分の優位性のために 私たちを騙そうとした
pull a fast one: try to gain an unfair advantage
ex) You paid too much. I think he pulled a fast one on you.
□ be gullible 騙されやすい
ex) The gullible young man lost everything.
その騙されやすい 若者は 全てを失った
gullible: easily deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say
ex) The author describes females as gullible fools.
□ duped into … 騙して…する
ex) The newspaper was duped into publishing an untrue story.
その新聞は 騙されて 事実と異なる記事を掲載した
dupe: deceive
ex) He was not allowed to present evidence how he was duped into transporting the bomb.
□ dupe 騙す 騙されやすい人
ex) He was an unwitting dupe in the scheme.
彼は その陰謀で 知らない間に騙さていた
dupe: a person who is easily deceived or tricked
ex) He's just an innocent dupe.
□ a greenhorn 初心者、騙されやすい人
ex) He's a greenhorn and easily deceived.
彼は 若く 騙されやすい
greenhorn an inexperienced person. especially : one easily tricked or cheated
ex) He's just a greenhorn and doesn't have all the experience you do.
□ be tricked into … 騙されて…する
ex) Some student groups are even tricked into overpaying.
いくつかの学生グループは 騙されて 高い料金を払わされた
trick: to deceive (someone)
ex) He tricked her by wearing a disguise.
□ be a pushover 騙されやすい(人)
ex) She's nice but isn't she a pushover?
pushover: a person who's easy to fool or influence
ex) A substitute teacher who's a pushover is easily convinced that the class usually spends an hour watching music videos.
□ sucker (人を)騙す・欺く、騙されやすい人
ex) She suckered me into paying for her meal.
私は 彼女の分まで食事代を払うように 騙された
sucker: a gullible or easily deceived person
ex) Another person was suckered by a con artist.