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「Worry - Anxiety - 心配・不安」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム
Q. "Worry" と "Anziety" は共に "心配・不安" を意味しますが、使いわけ方はありますか?
A. "Worry" は 具体的な心配事を表す際に 使います。
Worry is specific. Anxiety is more generalized.
□ worry 心配させる
ex) Don't make your parents worry.
worry : to think about problems or fears : to feel or show fear and concern because you think that something bad has happened or could happen
ex) We didn't want you to worry.
□ worry 心配すること、心配の原因
ex) His mother's health is a constant source of worry.
彼の母の健康状態は 絶えることのない 心配の種である
worry : a feeling of concern about something bad that might happen
ex) Credit losses are a worry.
□ be worrisome 心配になる
ex) Having a baby is so worrisome.
出産には 心配が伴う
worrisome: causing people to worry
ex) There is the worrisome possibility of hurricane damage on the coast.
□ a worry-wart 心配ばかりしている人、些細なことを心配する人
ex) My father is a real worrywart.
私の父は 本当に心配性だ
worry-wat a person who often worries, especially about things that are not important
ex) Don't listen to him. He's just an old worrywart.
□ anxious 心配している、心配性の
ex) She feels anxious and depressed.
anxious : afraid or nervous especially about what may happen
ex) They are anxious about their son's health.
□ anxiety 心配、悩み、気を揉むこと
ex) He's been feeling a lot of anxiety over his new job.
彼は新しい仕事に対し 大きな悩みを抱えている
anxiety: fear or nervousness about what might happen
ex) I understood the factors behind the triggering of anxiety-laden events.
□ concern 悩み、心配事、懸念
ex) There is some concern that the economy might worsen.
経済が悪化するのではないかという 懸念がある
concern: a feeling of worry usually shared by many people
ex) The governor needs to address voters' concerns about the economy.
□ concern 心配させる
ex) Our mother's illness concerns us.
concern : to make (someone) worried : to cause concern for (someone)
ex) Her family was very concerned about her safety.
□ get uptight 心配する
ex) There's no reason to get so uptight about it.
その事について そんなに心配する理由はない
uptight: nervous or worried and tending to become upset about something that does not make other people upset
ex) Don't get uptight about the exam. Just do your best.
□ increase one's nervousness 不安を大きくする
ex) This ploy only proceeds to increase your nervousness, not decrease it.
その策略は 不安を小さくするのではなく、不安を大きくしている
nervous: having or showing feelings of being worried and afraid about what might happen
ex) The student showed no sign of nervousness.
□ heighten unease on … … に関する不安を高める
ex) That train wreck has heightened unease on their safety standards.
その電車事故は 安全基準に対する 不安を高めた
unease: : a feeling of worry or unhappiness
ex) A feeling of unease came over her.
□ apprehension (悪いことが起こるのではないかという)不安、心配
ex) Apprehensions are being voiced about our relations with the United States.
我が国と 米国の関係が悪化するのではないかという 不安の声が聞こえた
apprehension: fear that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen : a feeling of being worried about the future
ex) The thought of moving to a new city fills me with apprehension.
□ hang-up 不安、悩みの種
ex) I have a hang-up about my looks.
hang-up: : something that causes you to feel worried, afraid, embarrassed, etc.
ex) We all have our hang-ups.
□ perturb 心配、動揺、不安にさせる
ex) We are perturbed by her illness.
私たちは 彼女の病気に関して 不安を感じている
perturb: to cause (someone) to be worried or upset
ex) She was so perturbed that she forgot to say goodbye.
□ get butterflies (不安・緊張で)どきどきする
ex) I've got butterflies in my stomach.
butterflies : a nervous feeling in your stomach
ex) Even experienced musicians sometimes get butterflies before a performance.
□ qualm(自分が正しくないかもしれないという)不安、気のとがめ、良心の呵責
ex) He accepted their offer without a qualm.
彼は 不安を感じることなく、彼らの申し出を受け入れた
qualm: a feeling of doubt or uncertainty about whether you are doing the right thing
ex) She felt some qualms about moving to the big city.
■ scruple (良心などから)ためらう、気がとがめる
ex) He did not scruple to lie about it.
彼は良心の呵責を感じることなく 嘘をついた
= He was willing to lie about it.
scruple: a feeling that prevents you from doing something that you think is wrong
ex) She acted without scruple.
彼女は 躊躇うことなく 役を演じた
■ fraught (危険、心配などが)いっぱいの
ex) His idea makes me feel less fraught.
彼のアイデアは 私の心配を小さくしてくれる
fraught : causing or having a lot of emotional stress or worry
ex) The paper was poorly researched and is fraught with errors.
その論文の調査は 貧弱であり、間違えが至る所にあった
■ antsy (心配、不安で)落ち着かない
ex) The children were getting antsy (= fidgety)on the trip in the car.
子供たちは 旅行に行く途中の車内で 落ち着かなくなった
antsy: impatient and unable to keep still
ex) Investors are antsy as stock prices continue to decline.
投資家たちは 株価が下がり続けるのではないかと 心配している