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Trim Costs - 節減・節約・減らす に関する 英単語 & イデオム

trim costs     費用を削る          trim - cost
■ Companies are seeking to trim costs.

the spending cuts   支出削減 conduct - devastate
■ Managers conducted devastating spending cuts.
がむしゃらな 経費 >> 削減を行なう

devastating         打撃的な、 壊滅的な     depression - devastate - effect
□ The depression had devastating effects in every country.
不況の 打撃的な >> 影響 >> が、各国に及ぶ

cut down on …      …を減らす workforce
■ They are cutting down on their workforce.
従業員 >> の数を減らしている

cut back 減らす
■ Public spending was being cut back.
公共 支出 >> が削減された

no fat to trim      削減できる部分がない fat - budget
■ There's no fat to trim in the budgets.

little fat left to cut      削減する部分はほとんど残っていない        little - fat
■ There is very little fat left on the bone to cut.

cut to the bone ぎりぎりまで減らす       already - bone
■ We've already cut to the bone.
ぎりぎりまで >> 切り詰めている

squeeze     圧迫する
□ Our budgets are squeezed to the breaking point. budget - squeeze - point
予算が、 限界まで >> 圧縮される

ramp down (一定の比率で生産などを)減らす、減少させる
ex) The manufacturers initially need wriggle room to ramp down their operations.
製造業者たちは 生産量を減らすための 余地を必要としている

ramp down: to decrease or cause to decrease
ex) As the project ramped down, several employees were laid off.

□ pare 切り詰める
ex) Consumers pare spending to bare essentials.

bare essentials 必要最低限のこと
□ We spend money on bare essentials and bills.
最低限の購入や、支払い にお金を使う

pare down … to a bare-bones   最低限の必要に押さえる pare - infrastructure - minimum
■ We can't pare down the infrastructures to its minimum bare bones level.

minimize 最低限にまで減らす minimize - inventory
□ We're trying to minimize the total cost of inventory.

関連する 英語例文ページへ
値上げする 値下げする 交渉する かさむ・積る 比較する 選ぶ
