駅の売店・改札 TOP

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- 駅・駅構内・改札 に関する 英単語 & イデオム -

a railway station / a train station 駅、鉄道駅
ex) This railway station is a hub for suburban trains.
この鉄道駅は 郊外の鉄道路線の拠点(ハブ)である

How many station are there until we arrive at Ueno?
上野まで あと何駅ありますか?
* 口語では How many station is it to Ueno? でもOKです

walkway   通路
ex) During the work, a temporary walkway connecting several platforms will be installed.

walkway: a passage or path for walking
ex)A covered walkway connects the two buildings.

a wheelchair accessible ramp  車椅子用の傾斜
ex) Major stations have ramps to get to their passenger walkways.

ticket window   切符売り場
ex) Most passes are only sold from ticket windows.
ticket window: . a window through which tickets are sold
ex) Install a bulletproof ticket window to keep your employees and customers safe.

unpaid area   (駅構内)切符なしで入場できるエリア
ex) They don't have any turnstiles separating the paid and unpaid area of the station.

turnstile   改札
ex) I got off the train and zipped right through the turnstile.

signpost    案内、標識
ex) Bilingual signposts are spreading over the station.

vendor stall   売店、屋台
ex) There are some newsstands and vendor stalls in the station.

stall: a small open counter or partially enclosed structure where things are displayed for sale
ex) The stalls were laid out in a grid pattern with twelve aisles running east-west and four wider avenues running north-south.

関連する 英語例文ページへ

通勤する  電車の運行 切符  ラッシュアワー  出社する 会社を出る