英語で仕事・作業 TOP

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「Workload - 仕事・作業・仕事量」 に関する 英単語 & イデオム

Q. "Job" と "Work" は共に "仕事" の意味を持ちますが、2つの単語をどのように 使い分けますか?

A. "Job" は 特定の職位 (a teacher, a nurse etc.) と、特定の仕事(作業内容)を意味する 可算名詞です。
一方 "Work" は、"するべき事全般" を指す 不可算名詞です。

job 仕事、作業
ex) She has a high-paying job in NY.
彼女はニューヨークで 高給与の仕事をしている

job: a duty, task, or function that someone or something has
ex) It was your job to mow the lawn.
君の仕事は 芝刈りであった
= You had the job of mowing the lawn.

What do you do for a living? あなたの職業は何ですか?
cf) What is your profession?
What do you do?: a way to ask someone what their job is or what they do for a living

have a lot of irons in the fire    やりかけの仕事がたくさんある
ex) We won't be able to talk long as we have a lot of irons in the fire.

irons in the fire: activities or projects that someone is involved in
ex)Although he won't say exactly what he's working on now, he says he has quite a few irons in the fire.

workload   仕事の量、仕事の負担 
ex) Students complained about the heavy workload.
生徒たちは 多大な宿題の負担に 不平をもらした

workload: the amount of work that is expected to be done
ex) Escalating workload and long work hours are taking a toll on employees.

take a toll on …    …に被害を与える
ex) Job burnout takes a big toll on your body.

take toll on: : to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something
ex) When you hate your job, it can take a toll on your health.

There's so much work piled up  作業・仕事が山積みである
ex) When work gets piled up it creates a lot of stress.
作業が山積みの時 ストレスが作り出される

multi-tasking ability    一度に複数の作業をこなす能力
ex) Organizational and multi-tasking skills are required.

put in …   (時間を)費やす
ex) Putting in overtime may put extra strain on the back.

□□ strain an injury to a body part or muscle
□□ that is caused by too much tension, effort, or use
□□ ex) Long hours of study can cause eye strain.

a rush job   急ぎの仕事
ex) I rushed through my work and ran out the door.  

the going (仕事の)進行状況
ex) I find the going is slow and we're way behind our schedule.

going: used to describe a situation in which you are trying to make progress or do something
ex) This is a big job, and it's going to be rough/tough going (= hard work) for a while.
これは 大きな仕事なので、しばらくの間 たいへんな進行状況が続くであろう

leave … undone … をやらずに放置する
ex) He often leaves his work undone or half done.

関連する 英語例文ページへ

会社を出る 事務職 会社 工場 シフト制 欠勤する
